Highgrounds Wiki


Blocks X attack or wound attempts that target this unit.

Defense will block anything it can in the order it happens. If a unit uses all of its defense blocking AttackAttack, it can't block any WoundWound.

72 units have the Defense ability:

GroffGroff AbbanAbban GromGrom RuneRune SpikeSpike
HardenHarden RosieRosie BranBran YuolenYuolen InoIno
CraunCraun RainerRainer RaeusRaeus RaunyRauny BrananBranan
ShadebeastShadebeast JacenJacen WillemWillem StagStag VaroVaro
WrenWren AndorAndor CookCook HaleHale RhyneRhyne
PomoraPomora MoloMolo RayRay GerntGernt VirtVirt
VinceVince LappLapp CliffCliff ArthurArthur MorgartMorgart
HagelHagel HeroldHerold EvelyneEvelyne RuelRuel JadeJade
WoalehWoaleh PepPep EraEra GumilGumil RokoRoko
ElgiElgi RowaRowa HammotHammot NochNoch UvilUvil
DoroDoro OzgoOzgo MoxMox TagonTagon RyunRyun
AntonAnton GerrenGerren BarristonBarriston TallyTally GreyGrey
FinchFinch AdrogAdrog AbbieAbbie PowellPowell UrnUrn
MidrasMidras LaginnLaginn PencyPency DanteDante SawthSawth
OpalOpal RaspRasp